Millennials are Blazing the Trail for Ethical Fashion
turns out millennials are the mindful generation
Kira Simpson
We can all agree that when it comes to the great generation debate, millennials cop more than their fair share of heat.
Not a week goes by that millennials aren’t labelled lazy or entitled.
Regardless of whether you buy into that idea – there is one place where this generation is blazing a trail for everyone else – ethical fashion.
With the whole world consuming at a greater rate than ever before, careful consideration has never been more important.

A recent study carried out by Choosi found that more than 90% of respondents believe having ethical fashion choices available to them as consumers is at least somewhat important. And as it turns out, it’s the controversial millennials leading the way.
Here’s how millennials are ditching the fast fashion industry.
1. Quality Not Quantity
Bargains, discounts, two-for-one. These are all terms that are designed to bring out the worst in us as consumers and, more often than not, they work. We’re all guilty of finding a sale and spending up small. But changing the way we perceive fast fashion is the first step to shopping ethically.
Quality should rule over quantity always.
The only way a fashion brand can make profit from a $5 T Shirt is if the labour costs are extremely low. While you may be scoring a bargain, someone else in the supply chain is paying a high price.
The Modern Conveniences Report, has shown that Aussies only tend to prefer ethical options as long as the price is about the same. The only group that doesn’t apply to? Yep, Millennials. This generation are the most likely to claim they would choose the ethical fashion option even if the price was higher.
2. Use Technology
Technology has proven time and time again that it really can solve most of our problems and that includes ethical fashion. It can be a real struggle to figure out if what you’re buying is ethical or not.
Ethical shopping apps like Good On You and Shop Ethical! make it easy for shoppers to cut through the noise. The study found that more than half of all respondents are already using or at least somewhat likely to consider using an app that can help them make better informed ethical purchasing decisions.
3. Ramp Up the Research
Sometimes doing the right thing requires a little ground work and if you want to be mindful of your consuming, you might have to put in some time and effort.
Ironically, despite a reputation for being ‘lazy,’ chances are millennials have read, discussed and considered issues surrounding ethical purchasing.
They’re logging on to Oxfam’s annual “Naughty or Nice” to find a list of ethical fashion brands or subscribing to Sustainable Table’s seasonal eating guide, to discover the food that will reduce their footprint.
The proof is research showing millennials are the most likely to consider an alternative purchase choice due to ethical considerations. Conversely, Pre-Boomers aren’t bothered, with 56.4% of Pre-Boomer’s admitting that shopping ethically doesn’t concern them.
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