In partnership with Officeworks
When trying to live more sustainably, we make dozens of small choices every day. We recycle, use up leftovers, take our tote bags to the grocery store, remember to bring a keepcup for our morning coffee.
But what if we applied this same principle to where and more importantly on what choose to spend our money?
Every time we spend money, we cast a vote.
A vote for what we value and a vote for the planet, and where we spend our dollars is reinforcing that vote.

Greener Choices
Officeworks Greener Choices is a new guide designed to make it easier to identify the more sustainable products in stores, helping you find the products that align with your values.
“Greener Choices is just one part of our commitment to supporting people and the planet and we look forward to continuing to expand our range.”
There are currently over 1000 products available across eleven categories including items made from recycled materials, wooden/bamboo materials, made with natural ingredients, plus items that are plastic-free, refillable, biodegradable, compostable, or can be reused.
The guide is designed to be used online, and Officwwroks are currently working on labelling for in-stere products to help make it easier to find the Greener Choices.
“Choosing more sustainable products is the easiest way for our customers to make a positive difference when shopping at Officeworks.”
A quick browse around my local store a few things I found:
- Scissors made from recycled plastic and some from bio-plastics – how cool!
- Eco bins for recycling and organic waste – this is such a great thing to introduce to the office!
- Pens in recyclable cardboard boxes, no more plastic wrap! Plus those pens can be recycled – more on that coming soon
- Refillable highlighters – I had no idea this even existed!
- A whole range of pepper supplies, envelopes, printing paper, notebooks all made from 100% recycled paper
It’s nice to know the place where most of us buy our school and office supplies are now offering the products that meet our values. And the best part, the Greener Choices range is continuing to grow as Officeworks finds those sustainable products to offer in stores.
“We know that our customers want to take more sustainable actions, and one way is by purchasing more sustainable products that are better for the planet.”
A Positive Difference
The Greener Choices offerings have come about as part of Officeworks Positive Difference Plan and their 2025 sustainability commitments addressing circularity, reducing emissions, renewable energy, climate action, recycling initiatives, and community programs just to name a few. You can read more about the commitments here.
Remember being a conscious consumer is not just what you’re buying that has an environmental impact, it’s also about spending with companies who have made a commitment to not just decreasing their negative impact on the earth, but to making a positive contribution as well.