Welcome to the very first issue of The Green Hub Magazine!
I’m writing this five days out from our launch as we’re putting the final touches on this issue. As I’m flicking through the pages, reading and re-reading the stories and content, I can’t help but feel so much gratitude for the many talented and passionate people who helped to bring this magazine to life, and excitement to share their hard work with you.
Despite the current climate, (see what I did there) it’s hard to be pessimistic when I’m surrounded by incredible people who are using their time, talents and platforms to raise awareness of the issues plaguing the fashion industry and the world right now.

So why a magazine? I’ve always loved reading magazines. I grew up as a teenager in a pre-internet world so teen mags like Dolly and Girlfriend we’re my window to peer into the lives of other girls just like me. Giggling with my girlfriends over Dolly Doctor while secretly feeling relieved I was not alone in going through the trials of puberty.
By my late teens and 20’s, I had graduated to ‘grown-up’ glossies such as Marie Claire and Grazia, gladly parting with my meager bartender’s wage each month, poring over on the fashion-filled pages which transported to me another world for a few hours.
I started The Green Hub eighteen months ago always with the intention of remaining a digital publication. In that time we have grown in both readership and breadth of coverage, and in August, I knew that it was time to evolve. I created The Green Hub Magazine as a quarterly digital issue, an extension of the website and something you would want to read cover to cover, finding inspiration and practical tips to help unleash your inner activist.
This magazine is for you. The ones who challenge the status quo. The revolutionaries who think differently and want to make a positive impact on the world.
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently released their report on the urgency of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and the fact we only have 12 years to do it. I knew I wanted our first issue to address the serious issues while offering easy to implement advice about how we can all contribute by changing our habits.

We have environmental scientist and communicator Laura Wells sharing her tips on how you can be an armchair activist while still having a real impact. Writer Alden Wicker discusses the link between fast fashion and climate change and how our consumer behaviours can make a difference. On the lighter side, Olivia Burton who you will recognise as one of our writers from The Green Hub meets two inspiring women who are tackling the plastic pollution issue with their Mer-School.
On the cover, you will find Fabienne Costa, the incredibly talented, self-taught designer behind YCL Jewels.
I chose Fabienne because she, just like you, represents a new wave of conscious women who are creating businesses and lives which reflect the values they want to see more of in the world.
Designers like Fabienne are also helping to dispel the crunchy, granola hippy myth which still plagues ethical and sustainable fashion, despite the fact it is so far from the truth as you will see in these pages.
What is a summer issue without a swimwear guide? I have found beautiful swimsuits in every style to suit every body because I firmly believe that the only thing you need for a beach body is a sustainably made swimsuit.
Finally, I created the magazine to be interactive so if you love a writer and want to follow their work or see a product you like, click the link!
I hope you enjoy the summer issue, I certainly loved creating if for you.