With an ethos of ‘Wear. Love. Give.” Pala Eyewear is everything an ethical fashion brand should be. A people first business who reflect the positive change occurring in the fashion industry.
While a relative newcomer to the sunglasses scene, Pala has certainly made an impact.
Imagine being able to share the exact provenance of your products production, the traditional weaving skills employed and the positive impact this opportunity is imparting to the communities you partner with.
These are the kind of stories Pala are making possible.

An ideology rooted in aesthetics and ethics
Walking the ethical talk Pala sunglasses are made in China in a SEDEX certified factory. Their design first approach means every pair of Pala sunglasses is stylish and functional.
Their range includes 33 different styles for men and women, with designs to suit every face and every personality.
And there’s more going on behind the frame than meets the eye.
Partnering with Care4basket, each pair Pala sunglasses come in a recycled plastic case, made by talented weavers from one of three rural communities in Bolgatanga, Upper East Ghana.
“We provide each artisan all the materials they need; they then weave the cases in their own time and return the finished product for payment. Most of our weavers enjoy weaving together – there’s a strong sense of community. Songs are sung and when their work is finished they celebrate by sharing some locally made Pito (beer!), drunk from a calabash.”
Going one step further, the boxes your sunglasses come housed in are made using FSC Certified materials and the paperwork from recycled paper stock plus, £1.00 from every delivery is put towards offsetting the CO2.
How Pala Gives
Pala partner with Vision Aid Overseas, an NGO providing access to eye care in developing countries. The projects Pala have been involved with include building a new vision center, purchasing equipment and supporting outreach programmes. Each pair of Pala sunglasses purchased provides funding to these projects to help improve the quality of life for people with vision impairment.
“640 million people are unable to access eye care. A pair of spectacles is an invaluable economic tool providing empowerment for the wearer. They enable reading, learning, and access to better education. They provide a chance to operate a machine, or to thread a needle and improve overall job prospects.”
While the work they’ve done to date is impressive, Pala admits that they’re not quite there yet.
“We’re certainly not the finished article and we know we have a way to go before we’ll be satisfied that we meeting our ethical, sustainability and environmental ambitions.”
I’m wearing the Thabo Tortoiseshell sunglasses.
Shop the rest of the Pala range here
Photography David Simpson
Sponsored by Pala Eyewear
"Our passion is about designing great eyewear, while creating change for the good of the planet."