Brought to you by Mosevic
Two seemingly unrelated fashion brands have joined forces in the name of sustainable fashion.
United by a desire to make a difference, Wrangler and Mosevic are setting new trends in the world of denim sustainable sunglasses.
Yes, you read correct. Denim sunglasses.
By reclaiming discarded denim and making them new again, Mosevic have developed a stellar product that’s caught the eye of fashionistas around the world.
But there’s more that’s going on behind the stitch and frame than meets the eye.

Upcycling a Fashion Icon
The humble, hip-hugging, pair of denim jeans have seen us through the ages. They’re a quintessential piece of fashion you’ll find worn by over half the world’s population at any given time. From high-waist to bell-bottom to skinny jeans – the blue jean transcends culture, race and gender.
When Mosevic took to the stage with the bold idea of injecting this blue jean obsession into sunglasses, it was only natural the public at large showed interest.
Mosevic spent years developing a special resin to set the recycled denim into the frame of the sunglasses. In 2015, they were finally able to launch on Kickstarter and the pledges started rolling in.
While a relatively new-comer to the sunglass scene, Mosevic have certainly made an impact. Offering a sustainable alternative, the UK-based company handcraft each pair of sunglasses. Finished with high quality Divel Italia and Zeiss lenses, there’s little Mosevic haven’t thought about.
What sets Mosevic apart from other sunglass brands is their unique, creative style in upcycling discarded denim. They’ve showed they’re aren’t afraid to think outside of the box. And clearly the idea has caught on.
Making a Good Thing Better
But here’s where things start to get interesting. They’ve attracted the likes of Wrangler to create a limited edition range so you can literally wear your favorite blue jean brand on your face.
We’re not just talking any old blue jeans. We’re talking factory redundant denim from Wrangler. The Wrangler – one of the leading denim brands on the planet. Since 1904, Wrangler has been bringing quality denim clothing to our wardrobes that have stood the test of time and trend.
Wrangler have expressed their commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices. As an upholder of VF Corp’s Global Compliance Principles, they follow a standard of practice that includes fair worker’s welfare and minimising their environmental impact.
So when you bring together two seemingly unrelated fashion brands servicing opposite ends of the market, it makes for a rather unsuspecting but ingenious collaboration.
When you dig a little deeper and unpick a few stitches, it actually comes as no surprise. With Mosevic’s unique angle in recycling the old and making it new, and Wrangler’s commitment to more sustainable business practices, it’s all rather natural.
It’s hard to imagine how you can make a good thing better. But these brands have succeeded in doing just that. Bringing to you a pair of sunglasses that reflects a change occurring in the fashion industry that couldn’t have come soon enough.
Why It Matters
Not only does this limited edition release reflect a successful collaboration of two fashion brands based on the principles of cooperation, it reflects an attitude of looking for ways to do things better.
Because clearly there’s things wrong with the fashion industry that more brands aren’t addressing.
Australian’s are guilty of throwing away over 500,000 tonnes of leather and textiles each year according to an ABS report. To put this into perspective, that’s equivalent to around 250,000 cars! Three out of every four garments produced are discarded like common household waste.
And it’s not just consumer habits we’re shining light on.
In addition, from the manufacturing side, an estimated 400 billion square metres of textiles are produced annually around the world. Over two thirds are left on the factory floor and discarded to landfill.
With such staggering numbers, it’s refreshing to see not just one, but two leading fashion brands in their respective fields, committed to making change from the production end.
A New Era
Revealing the story behind this collaboration will hopefully have flow on effects. Transparency is key. Consumers need access to information to make better decisions. It’s brands like Mosevic and Wrangler that are leading by example which will challenge the notion of fast fashion.
There’s something about repurposing recycled materials and injecting new life into them that captures one’s imagination. Courtesy of Mosevic and Wrangler, the history of denim is being transferred to a new life taking with it a story unique to each frame.