Whether you’re just starting your journey towards sustainable living or looking for new ways to enhance your eco-conscious efforts, you’ve come to the right place.
Living more sustainably is all about small changes that collectively add up to big results – especially when all of us are doing them.
From reducing waste to energy-saving, these surprisingly simple yet impactful tips will help you incorporate those small eco practices into your everyday.

1. Turn off the water while you soap yourself in the shower
Australia is the highest user of water per person in the world. We use approximately 25,000 gigalitres of water every year – which is equivalent to 50 Sydney Harbours.
2. Cut your dishwashing tablets in half
Tried and tested, a half tablet is sufficient to wash a standard load of dishes. This works well for powder-based tablets. It’s probably best not to try this with liquid-based tablets!
3. Save your vegetable peels and scraps
Vegetable peels can be used to make stock and stew or soup bases. Just simmer the peelings in salted water for 1-2 hours and store in the fridge or freezer. So easy!
4. Ditch the paper towels
Disposable paper towels are expensive and wasteful. Instead, use tea towels or small kitchen towels, which can be washed and reused time and time again.
5. Grow your own herbs
Fresh herbs can be expensive, and if you don’t use them within a week, they go to waste. Even if you’re not a gardener, herbs are super easy to grow and small enough to live on the kitchen counter.
6. Install a water-saving device
I know these can be painful when you have to wash your hair (I’ve been there!) But, a standard showerhead uses about 15 to 25 litres of water per minute, whereas a three-star rated water efficient showerhead uses as little as 6 or 7 litres per minute. With water rates rising every quarter, this is a great investment.
7. Reuse your wastewater
Leave a bucket in the bottom of your shower and use it to water your garden or house plants and save on your water bill.
8. Eat less meat
Meat is expensive, especially if you are buying ethical, pasture-raised meat. We don’t need to be eating meat at every meal, and one of the easiest ways to reduce your weekly food bill and your environmental footprint is to reduce the amount of meat you eat.
9. Use the sun to dry your clothes
Nothing beats clean laundry dried with fresh air and sunlight. Dryers have their place when it rains for long periods but on sunny days, use your clothes line.
10. Do a little DIY
Natural beauty and cleaning products can be expensive, but if you have the time, making your own is a fantastic way to save money. Most of what you need to make things like body scrubs, lip balms and face masks you can find in your pantry and fridge. 1 Million Women have some great DIYs, which are super easy to make.
11. Switch to energy-efficient light globes
Lighting consumes between 8% – 15% of the average household electricity budget. By switching to LEDs and CFLs you can save hundreds off your electricity bill every year. Check out the light bulb saver app to see what globes are best for your home.
12. Wash clothes in cold water
No hot water means less power is used and your clothes will last longer.
13. Buy food locally
By buying closer to home, you’re reducing your carbon footprint and supporting and encouraging growth within the local economy. Plus, farmer’s markets are so cheap!!
14. Reduce food waste
Throwing unwanted food in the bin, to be sent to landfill, is terrible for your wallet and the planet. You can help reduce your food waste by planning your weekly meals. Write them down, make a shopping list and try to stick with it. By planning ahead you’re more likely to have less food left over at the end of each week.
15. Install solar
This solution is not available to everyone, but if you own your home and are in the financial position to do so, installing solar panels and storage solutions will save you money in the long run. It’s also great for the planet!
16. If it breaks, fix it
Unfortunately, we have become the ‘throwaway generation’. If something breaks, just chuck it. There are a lot of things that break in our homes that could quite easily be repaired with a little know-how and elbow grease. Jump on YouTube to see if there are tutorials to teach you how to enlist the help of someone with the skills you need, or just take it to a repair shop.
17. Sell your unwanted stuff
Jump on board the minimalist train and de-clutter your home. Selling your unwanted stuff on Gumtree and eBay creates a clean, calm space, and you make some extra cash in the process!
Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash