Intrepid Travel Will Refund Your Ticket If You Go See Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’
Kira Simpson
An Inconvenient Sequel hit Australian cinemas yesterday and it’s said to be even more enlightening (and disturbing) than the first.
Al Gore returns in this climate change documentary to show how little has changed (except the climate) since the first film, An Inconvenient Truth, was released in 2006.
The film highlights the perils of climate change, our shitty international climate policy and lazy politicians and why we need to take immediate action before we fuck the world.
If you needed any further motivation to go see it, Intrepid Travel are offering to refund the cost of your ticket.
Yep. A full refund.
“As a company of travellers, we believe it is our responsibility to sustain and protect the environment we use and enjoy. So to empower and educate us all to make a difference, we’ve teamed up with Al Gore’s new feature film, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power and are offering to refund the cost of your movie ticket*.”
How to get your money back here.
Image source: An Inconvenient Sequel Facebook page