Were you a part of the Global Climate Strike last week?
The atmosphere was incredible, with over 80,000 people striking in Sydney, a staggering 100,000 in Melbourne and a total of 300,000 across Australia.
While the strike was a success in inspiring a collective voice and showing the need for prioritisation of climate change on a global level, it’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to tackling the ongoing issue of climate change.
We need to ensure that the energy and hope that was inspired on the day creates an indisputable call to action.

To ensure that we don’t lose momentum post-strike, we’ve compiled our top tips for what you can do post-strike. We’ve only got one Earth, and we’re all responsible for ensuring that our children, their children, and generations beyond get to enjoy the magnificent planet we live on.
Write a letter to your local MP
This is one of the most simple and effective ways of taking action. Your local MP has a responsibility to represent you and to communicate with you. That is why they were elected and why they are paid. You can click here to search for your local member of parliament, and how to contact them.
Ensure the Government hears our collective voice
Head over to Patagonia.com.au/climate to take action by sending a Facebook message or tweet to Scott Morrison or Anthony Albanese to let them know there is no room for climate deniers. Politicians need to hear this message en-masse – so get your family, friends, workplace, and your community to get involved. This needs to be the issue that just doesn’t go away.
Have an opinion and make it heard
Write blogs, share it on your socials, or write opinion pieces about how the climate crisis is affecting you, and what you’re doing to take further action to inspire your friends, family, and peers. Make climate change a part of your everyday discussion, having conversations with family and friends who trust and respect you can help educate them on the importance of taking further climate action. Consider yourself an ambassador for Planet Earth.
Educate yourself
Keep reading, listening, and watching influential people who are thought-leaders when it comes to climate change. Never stop learning and sharing information with those around you.
Make the prioritisation of climate change part of your everyday. As individuals, we can all play a part in ensuring that this issue becomes part of our daily dialogue, and if you’re a business, now is the time to think about the issue beyond just the day itself. At this point of our planet’s life, best business practices that tread-lightly and do less harm should be built into your brand’s DNA, and that goes beyond just allowing your team to strike for a couple of hours. Not a business owner? Talk to the leaders within your business about what is being done here and what else could be done.
What will you do to keep the momentum moving? We’ve all got a part to play, and it’s time we tackle these issues front-on, and answer with action.