We all live different lives and have different values. What I deem to be ethical or sustainable may not be the same for you.
I compost my food waste but don’t grow my own food. I buy second hand clothing but also buy new.
I use a Keepcup for coffee but buy my berries wrapped in plastic.
I’m not vegan or even vegetarian but I’ve reduced my meat intake dramatically over the last year.
I support small Australian businesses who manufacture ethically, but I also purchase from large companies with shady supply chains for the quality and longevity of their clothes.

The point is, I am not perfect but I live a life that reflects my values and I am making a difference in my own way.
And you are too.
This notion that there is only one way to live “greener” is ridiculous. Shaming someone because they don’t live in a way that sits well with you is not the way to change how we all live and consume.
We need more encouragement and more support so everyone can feel good about taking steps towards positive change in their own lives.
These are the values upon which I have built The Green Hub. We’re not perfect and we don’t judge.
There is no one size fits all green lifestyle but we all have the ability to create positive change in the world. Each, in our own small way.